Complaints procedure Physiotherapy
Complaint about your Physiotherapist?
Of course you and your physiotherapist try your best to keep treatment and contact pleasant. But it is possible that at some point you are not satisfied or that you have a complaint. For example, about the treatment itself or about the way your physiotherapist or another employee at the practice interacts with you. The easiest and fastest way to handle this, is to discuss this directly with your physiotherapist. Together you can discuss how the complaint arose and how it can be solved. Sometimes it might have come forth out of a misunderstanding.

Regulations complaints procedure physiotherapy
Article 1.
In this regulation, we define the following concepts as:
Complaint officer: The complaint officer at the KNGF
Health care provider: The health care provider that assembled the complaints procedure
Client: The natural person who has a complaint about the health care provider
KNGF: Koninklijk Nederlands Genootschap voor Fysiotherapie (Royal Dutch Acadamy of Physiotherapy)
Zorgbelang: Zorgbelang Netherlands as a representative organisation for clients/patients
Compilation and task
Article 2.
The complaint officer works in service of the KNGF. The complaint officer can offer free advice regarding the complaint by request of the complainer. He can also assist with formulating the complaint and by investigating the opportunities for solutions for the complaint.
Lodge a complaint and information on this
Article 3.
A complaint about behaviour of a health care provider will be lodged digitally. A complaint in writing is possible but not preferred.
Article 4.
Information on the procedure of reporting a complaint is recognizably available on the website and within the practice of the health care provider. Reporting the complaint occurs digitally, or if necessary in writing, via a complaint form which is available on the website of KNGF (www.defysiotherapeut.com) or in the practice of the health care provider.
Article 5.
It is also possible for the client or his representative to contact the complaint officer before the complaint is reported in writing. A request is reported at the secretary of the KNGF. The complaint officer will respond within two working weeks.
Article 6.
Every client of an associated health care provider, or a representative of this client, can report a complaint.
Article 7.
A complaint will only be dealt with if all the relevant components on the complaint form are filled out. If the complaint form is not used or is not complete, the complaint functionary of the secretary will put this to the attention of the client or his representative.
Article 8.
If necessary, an authorization of the client can be asked to withdraw relevant medical information concerning the attitude at the respective health care provider.
Do you find it difficult to discuss you complaint directly? It is also possible to make an appointment at a later time and bring someone you trust to help you discuss the complaint. You can also use the complaint functionary of the health care provider. For advice on how to approach this conversation, you can consult patient organisations like Zorgbelang. At Zorgbelang you can also report a problem instead of making a complaint right away.
If you have any further questions or if you can not figure it out, it is possible to call the complaint functionary. For this you can contact the ‘KNGF Ledenvoorlichting’ via 033-467 29 29. (Monday to Friday 8.30 – 17.00 hr).